Monday, April 5, 2010

Redi-Mag, Part Duex

Seems the good people of Boonie Packer Products, makers of the Redi-Mag, actually took interest in my little blog here. For that I thank them immensely.

After reading my blog Caius, the customer service guru, sent me an email and then mailed off a few new products to see if some of my issues could be resolved. A few days later I received a MkI QA Redi-Mag, the new Bolt Catch Extension II (BCEII), and the very interesting Redi-Catch. Let’s attack these issues in that order.

The MkI QA Redi-Mag (quick attach) is essentially the same as the standard version with a slight change to the spacer bracket and mounting method. This minor modification to the system makes putting on and taking off the QA to your AR-15 very easy. With an allen wrench and your own two hands it simply goes on and off with a few turns of a pair of fixed screws. A one-piece rubber ring (which resembles a cutout of a bicycle inner tube) replaces the three rubber spacers. With only these minor changes the Redi-Mag remains a wonderful product enhance by now being more user friendly. I highly recommend the QA for any application.

The Bolt Catch Extension II is essentially a metal version of the old BCE. The one major improvement is that the head of the mounting screw is on the aft side of the unit, making it possible to install and remove the new BCEII with the Redi-Mag already attached. The new design is also a little more stylish than the old plastic piece, and Hotshot thinks that’s very important. While functionally the same, I do find this improved piece to be much better than the old one.

Now on to the most interesting of the Redi-Mag enhancements: the Redi-Catch. This little gizmo is designed to allow the shooter the ability to manipulate the bolt latch to lock the bolt open while the firing hand never leaves fire control. To do this the Redi-Catch operates off of a plate-type base with two mounting pins that replace the hammer and trigger pins in the lower frame of your AR. Off of the base is a lever that has one end through the trigger guard and the other end resting atop the bottom of the bolt catch. With the index finger outside of the trigger guard the operator can push down on the Redi-Catch lever and operate the charging handle with the left hand (assuming a right handed shooter) and lock the bolt open in this way. To release the bolt one still has to smack the bolt catch by way of the BCEII. This method is a marked improvement over the old plastic BCE alone and allows a much more rapid malfunction clearance. If you are attached to that bolt slap and still want it then this method is for you.

The lowdown: After a great deal of experimentation with the new Redi-Catch and BCEII I will definitely say that this combo is heads and tails above just using the old BCE alone. That said, I still find the BAD lever from Magpul to be superior, simpler to operate and install, and more economical. Don’t get me wrong though, I applaud Boonie Packer for coming up with an innovative solution to a significant issue. Their Redi-Mag is still the fastest reload in town, and is truly a GREAT product. I plan on encouraging every AR shooter I know to put one on their rifle or carbine. Sadly, Magpul just beat them to the punch on a much better bolt lock lever. So go out there, get yourself a QA Redi-Mag, and a BAD lever, and shoot the mountainside up.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Starbucks supports gun rights Who would have though. Let's make a point to let them know that we support this move, and that we're buying their products where we wouldn't have before.

Monday, March 1, 2010

B.A.D. Lever!!!

It finally happened, I got my B.A.D Lever by Magpul.

As mentioned before, in the Redi-Mag post, I felt that one of the great shortcomings of the Redi-Mag system is the silly little bolt catch thingy (that’s a technical term). From the moment I saw Magpul’s B.A.D. Lever I figured this was the solution to my problem, so when I saw Brownell’s had them in stock I ordered two (one for Hotshot to have on her soon to be built AR). I waited in eager anticipation for the arrival of my order, and when it finally arrived I had everything BUT the hoped for levers. Damn, backordered. So wait some more I did.

As luck would have it, the B.A.D. Levers arrived just in time for Valentine’s Day. Yes, that’s right, I gave Hotshot a B.A.D. Lever for V-day and she LOVED it (I’m such a lucky guy). The next day the AR was on the bench in two pieces with that stupid plastic blob from Redi-Mag sticking out like a sore thumb, and that’s when I saw my problem. The Redi-Mag is a touch hard to put on, and the bolt catch extension that came with it screws on from the muzzle side. This means the Redi-Mag is in the way of taking the screw out of the bolt catch extension. I did NOT want to be taking that unit off and putting it on again just to put on one little tiny lever. Out came my lovely and faithful Foredom with a thin plastic cutting wheel and the bolt catch extension is lost to the round file. Problem solved!

The B.A.D. Lever went on super easy with everything provided in the packet. Nothing had to be taken off of the lower receiver, and all went as planned. As usual the kind folks at Magpul Dynamics have developed a simple ingenious gizmo (that I wish I had thought of) and will forever change the way I shoot ARs.

To use the B.A.D. Lever, once installed, one simply uses the right index finger (assuming a right handed shooter) to manipulate the lever up and down to engage and disengage the bolt catch. This frees up your left hand to operate the charging handle, clear out a jam, and grab a magazine. It’s the solution to the single biggest problem I’ve ever noticed with the AR platform. Instead of switching hands around and getting your fingers tied in knots, the operation becomes intuitive and down right easy. The only short fall would be for southpaw shooters. Don’t worry though, I’ll be glad to modify your lever to make it work for you if you’d like.

Parting Thought: The Magpul Dynamics B.A.D. Lever should be standard equipment on everyone’s AR, whether you’ve a Redi-Mag or not.