As May 1st works its way to us the Occupy movement is gearing up for the start to what could be a dynamic summer here in the States. For those of you not paying attention to the news, the idea is for everyone who actually works for a living, not the ones who own business like me, to not show up for work, not go to school, not do housework, etc. By doing this the “1%” will see what it’s like without the other “99%” for a day. Now, I don’t plan to do any housework that day anyway so that’s not an issue to me. I imagine most punk kids following the movement are probably pretty familiar with skipping class anyway, so nothing new there. That just leaves work, which I don’t have time to call off of. I guess that means I’m part of the evil “1%” that they keep complaining about. The only problem is that my wife and I collectively don’t come anywhere close to making the money that would have us actually be in the top 1% of wage earners in this country. I’m just confused now.
So what’s this have to do with guns you ask? It goes back to one of my favorite trainer’s famous lines: Don’t do stupid stuff, with stupid people, in stupid places. When there are major demonstrations this summer, stay away. Keep a low profile. Be boring. As the political climate heats up this year, so will the violence and crazy events in our cities and towns. Here in the Foothills it’s everywhere. Back in the little factory town I grew up in they even have a few protestors. These people have no jobs, nothing to do but stand on the streets, and want to draw attention to themselves. To do that they’ll disrupt your life in some way. They’ll hold up your bus, block traffic, picket outside your place of employment. All the while they’ll be holding up signs with sill slogans or singing catchy chants that don’t mean anything. But you’re just trying to get to work and they’ll be stopping you. Even worse is if they try to become violent with you to draw attention to their stupid cause. Don’t get involved.
The best thing to do when you see a large gathering is turn the other way. If you think you can’t avoid it you’re wrong. So what that they’re blocking the front entrance to your work, there’s probably a back door. If your drive to work is disrupted turn down a different street and let your GPS find a new path. If you’re on the train get off at the next stop and catch another. You can always call the boss and explain that some lazy hippies who don’t like work tried to stop you from getting to the job you love so much and you fought them off and hiked ten miles out of your way to get to work and you’ll be five minutes late. He’ll probably be alright with it.
If you should happen to be surprised by a flash mob of crazies then, once again, get out. Get your bag in front of you where you can control it and get out. If rocks start flying and glass is breaking don’t stand around to take pictures; let some other hapless fool get caught up in those shenanigans. Your primary goal is to get out safely and be able to go to your family that night. Someone else’s political nonsense is none of your concern.
To prepare yourself for these possible encounters I suggest the following (as I do for everyday life anyway).
-Remove all political stickers from your vehicle. This includes endorsements for such groups as the NRA, Marine Corps, TEA Party, etc. No gadsden flags or anything that might make you a target to these leftist violence baiters. Basically, remove all of the stickers.
-Don’t wear shirts or hats with gun brands, political slogans, “‘O’bummer,” etc. Just like the stickers, don’t make yourself a target with your cute t-shirt.
-Stay away from the capitol. Political centers are the magnets for these freaks. If you can stay away from the state capitol, county courthouse or wherever they are gathering then do it.
-ALWAYS carry. Be ready to defend yourself from lethal threats at all times.
-Be ready to get out of there fast. If you’re stuck in traffic and bricks are flying then get running. You wont care about your car if you’re dead. Leave it and go if you must.
-Keep your eyes on the news. Know what’s going on in your area. Forewarned is forearmed. The more you know about the political climate of your AO the less likely you are to be caught off guard and the more prepared you’ll be if you do get caught in a bad position.
Overall, OCCUPY YOUR LIFE. Pay attention to your own business and stay out of the affairs of others. Be ready to protect yourself should the need arise, and the best way to do that is to avoid trouble whenever possible. This applies all the time, but especially as the election comes closer and closer.